• É Verdade, sonhávamos com o Paraíso!

    [2024]É Verdade, sonhávamos com o Para[豆瓣0分]

    /短片//David Falcão/Alexandra Petrovskaya/

    Cinema as a dance without music, where the actors and the directors themselves are the performers. Problems arise in dealing with the organisation. Hence, the idea of vis...

    2025-02-12 10
  • Mr. Sampat

    [1952]Mr. Sampat[豆瓣0分]

    //印地语 Hindi/S. S. Vasan/Motilal/Padmini

    The charming Mr. Sampat weaves his way into theatrical company with his moneymaking schemes, only to cause the everyone involved to go bankrupt, including Malini, the you...

    2025-02-16 10
  • Andrew Rivers: Hello, Beautiful

    [2024]Andrew Rivers: Hello, Beautiful[豆瓣0分]

    //英语//Andrew Rivers

    Step into the wild world of Hollywood nepotism, canceled celebs, and Kanye West controversies, all served up with a side of Seattle's unique charm. Andrew's latest specia...

    2025-02-12 10
  • C’est la vie

    [1997]C’est la vie[豆瓣0分]

    ///Barbara Sternberg/

    A mini-presentation of consciousness dealing with cosmos. The world in a grain of sand. Connections between life, death, and the world are neither static nor symmetrical ...

    2025-02-12 10
  • तेरी तलाश में

    [1990]तेरी तलाश में[豆瓣0分]

    Teri Talash Mein///Vinod Talwar/

    2025-02-12 10
  • Kahden kesken

    [1973]Kahden kesken[豆瓣0分]


    2025-02-15 10
  • منتصف الليل

    [2000]منتصف الليل[豆瓣0分]

    Muntasaf al-Lail / Midnight///Abdullah Al-Salman/

    Here we have a real carsploitation epic from Kuwait. The police in Kuwait has a long experience chasing all kinds of criminals all over the country and no one can match t...

    2025-02-12 10
  • Meninas Não Choram

    [2024]Meninas Não Choram[豆瓣0分]

    ///Vivianne Jundi/

    A soccer player girl with leukemia inspires her classmates to find a bone marrow donor while maintaining her love for life and the sport.

    2025-02-12 10
  • Личные счеты

    [1982]Личные счеты[豆瓣0分]

    Lichnye schyoty//俄语/Aleksandr Karpov/

    2025-02-14 10
  • 乙巳年吉星高照年初一


    CNY Daytime Special 2025/歌舞/真人秀/粤语/陈俊声/汪明荃/林盛斌/林沚羿/朱凯婷/支喾仪/许文轩/陈勉良/胡枫/刘丹/罗乐林/单立文/滕丽名/吕慧仪/古佩玲/陈浚霆/林淑敏/许家杰/樊亦敏/麦玲玲/钱嘉乐/阮兆祥/麦美恩/萧正楠/吴若希/朱敏瀚/邓智坚/唐嘉麟/陈静/林正峰/郭珮文/文佐匡/龙婷/陈俞霏/林思彤/谭辉智/周吉佩/沈宗贤/黄剑文/罗启豪/颜志恒/颜米羔/李佳/刘威煌/陈芊芸/吴幸美/王汛文/王嘉慧/黎伟在/陆伟雄/梁思浩/黄紫恩/黄耀英/汤之欣/黄滢仴/彭翔翎/安德尊/萧秀香/张美妮/胡诺言/彭慧中/林秀怡/冼靖峰/潘静文/林智乐/何晋乐/黄洛妍/张驰豪/姚焯菲/钟柔美/詹天文/卢映彤/曹铟玲/梁芷菁/黄键丰/林夕童/陈颂天/洪曼芹/张天妮


    2025-02-12 11
  • Godhuli Belaye

    [1964]Godhuli Belaye[豆瓣0分]

    //Bengali/Chitta Bose/

    2025-02-12 10
  • 英雄




    2025-02-12 11
  • Glasmachen – Enzyklopädie der Handhabungen. Modul #31

    [2024]Glasmachen – Enzyklopädie der Ha[豆瓣0分]

    ///Anette Rose/

    Anette Rose befasst sich in ihrer neuen Videoinstallation mit dem „Glasmachen“. Mit synchron getakteten Kameras beobachtet sie Glasmacher*innen bei der Arbeit und befra...

    2025-02-12 10
  • Back to the Future

    [2025]Back to the Future[豆瓣0分]

    /短片/瑞士德语 / 英语/Manuel Schneider/

    2025-02-12 10
  • School Girls; or, The African Mean Girls Play

    [2019]School Girls; or, The African Mean[豆瓣0分]

    //英语/Rebecca Taichman/

    2025-02-12 10
  • Andalusialainen koirankoppi

    [1980]Andalusialainen koirankoppi[豆瓣0分]

    Andalusian Doghouse/短片//Pasi "Sleeping" Myllymäki/

    超现实主义在电影上受到了伤害。在雪地里无所返地超速行驶。由“Luigi Punueli”和“Samuel Tallow”制作。

    2025-02-15 10
  • Hello Stranger

    [2024]Hello Stranger[豆瓣0分]


    A techno-hermit named Cam gets trapped in his smart home by a masked stranger who forces him to play three games to survive, with viewers making choices that determine Ca...

    2025-02-12 10
  • 玫瑰人生


    La Vie en Rose//韩语/崔知慧/


    2025-02-12 10
  • To the Mars and Back

    [2024]To the Mars and Back[豆瓣0分]

    ///Chanya Hetayothin/

    To the Mars and Back interweaves events from the present, past, and imaginative future. The film reflects the human effort and hope for survival in the midst of scientifi...

    2025-02-12 10
  • Para cuando te sientas solo

    [2024]Para cuando te sientas solo[豆瓣0分]

    /短片//Alejandro Lévano/

    2025-02-15 10
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