Unverschamtheit im Grunewald/短片/无对白/Otmar Bauer/Günter Brus/
When I Was Young.../剧情/短片/法语/William Henne/
片名:記得當時年紀小 Tout jeune garcon / When I Was Young 普遍級
導演:William Henne ...
The Blue Lobster/短片/silent/Álvaro Cepeda Samudio/Gabriel García Márquez/Enrique Grau Araújo/Luis Vicens/
The damned women's dance/短片/无对白/英格玛·伯格曼/Nina Harte/Helene Friberg/Lena Wennergren/Lisbeth Zachrisson
The film shows four women moving in a crowded, closed room to the music of Monteverdi. They represent women living by passing on a role that is passed down to them for ge...
Serbian Experimental Cinema 1950-1990/短片/塞爾維亞語 / 克羅地亞語/Dusan Makavejev/
前南黑浪潮先锋短片合辑,首度完整面世。影片目录: 01 Dusan Makavejev - Antonijevo Razbijeno Ogledalo (1957) 02 Zivojin Pavlovic - Triptih O Materiji I Smrti (1960) 03 Voji...
Three... or Apple?/短片/塞爾維亞語/Nikola Gocić/
This is my first minimalistic (read: no-budget) experimental short, created for the competition titled "Važna je ideja! 3" (literally: "The Idea is What M...
The Gold-Braided Fan/歌舞/粤语/蒋伟光/任剑辉/白雪仙/半日安/李香琴
尚书吕刚之女吕昭华,经圣上为媒,与世交郭炎章订下婚盟。炎章家道破落后,到府拜访,两人偶于门外酬诗互吐心声。但吕父却嫌贫重富,不许他们相见。 ...
/剧情/短片/犯罪/西班牙语/Arturo Flores/Rogelio Jaramillo/
This movie depicts the great creativity and talent of young mexican filmmakers. A real amazing use of B&W film on images full of expression and dramatism. It must be ...
/短片/德语/Franziska Krentzien/Inga Birkenfeld/Nikola Kastner/Markus Frank
After School / Wing Su Fan / 青春音樂夢(台)/歌舞/泰文/Chalart Sriwanda/Prakasit Bowsuwan/查特朋·纳塔彭/Sriphan Chunechomboon/Teerapong Liaorakwong/Suthep Prayoonpitak/阿萍雅·萨库尔加伦苏/Arisara Thongborisut/Naowarat Yuktanan
/短片/德语/乌尔班·迦得/阿丝塔·妮尔森/Fred Immler/Senta Eichstaedt/Adele Reuter-Eichberg/Mary Scheller/Hans Lanser-Rudolf/Carl Dibbern/Max Agerty/Ernst Körner/Eric Harden
Comedy about a film crew shooting a movie about guns and robbers, when real robbers turn up. Having to go home in robbers costume, they are mistakingly accused. In the en...
Comment on marie une jeune veuve/短片/法语/Émile Cohl/